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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

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Agency Administrator/Consumer Advocate

Carolyn "Carri" Grube LybarkerCarolyn “Carri” Grube Lybarker is the Administrator/Consumer Advocate of the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs. In this capacity, she oversees the daily operations of the state’s consumer protection agency and the administration and enforcement of the over 120 laws under the agency’s jurisdiction, including the South Carolina Consumer Protection Code. Ms. Lybarker also advises the Governor and General Assembly on legislation and laws to protect the interests of consumers. She is a frequent presenter on consumer protection topics and has appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts to discuss consumer fraud and credit issues. 

Ms. Lybarker began her career with the agency in June 2004 as a law clerk, later becoming a Staff Attorney assisting in the administration and enforcement of the South Carolina Consumer Protection Code. She was named Acting Director of Public Information in July 2010 then Deputy Director of Public Information, Consumer Services and Education in October 2010. She served as Acting Administrator from February 2011 - October 2011, when she was appointed DCA’s fifth Administrator.

Ms. Lybarker is currently serving in her second term as Chair of the State Coordinating Committee, a committee of state regulators that coordinates the supervision of Multi-State Non-Depository Entities. She is a Past President of the National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators’ (NACCA) and of the American Conference of Uniform Consumer Credit Code States (ACUCCCS).  She previously served as Member and Chair of the Bar’s Consumer Law Section Council. Ms. Lybarker received her J.D. from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 2005 and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, from Winthrop University in 2001.