Ditch the Pitch
You can file a complaint and submit applications for licensing online. Filings you do not wish to make or that are not available online can be submitted via mail for processing. Department staff is available to assist with any questions at (800) 922-1594 (toll free in SC) or 803-734-4200 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays. You can also email general questions to scdca@scconsumer.gov.
You get a call or an email unexpectedly from someone who claims to be a friend or
relative, maybe opening with a line like “Hi Grandma/Grandpa! Do you know who this is?”, or something similar. The scammer hopes you will respond with a name that they can use to pose as your grandchild. The caller says there's an emergency and asks you to send money immediately or that they have kidnapped one of your family members. But beware, there's a good chance this is an imposter trying to steal your money! Follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.