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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs will close Friday, January 10 at noon. We will resume normal operating hours on Monday, January 13.

You can file a complaint and submit applications for licensing online. Filings you do not wish to make or that are not available online can be submitted via mail for processing. You can also email general questions to


Physical Fitness Service Providers

The South Carolina Physical Fitness Services Act requires that all businesses offering physical fitness services in the State file with the S.C. Department of Consumer Affairs for a physical fitness Certificate of Authority. "Physical fitness services" means facilities or services of health or exercise centers, clubs, studios, or classes; health spas; weight control centers, clinics, or studios; figure salons; tanning centers; and athletic or sport clubs. 

The initial filing fee is $50.00 per location/center.  Physical fitness Certificates of Authority expire each year on December 31.  The annual renewal period is November 1 to December 31.  The renewal filing fee is $50 per location/center.

*Please note the Department's physical address is 293 Greystone Blvd., Ste. 400 | Columbia, SC | 29210*
**Mailings may be sent to PO Box 5757 | Columbia, SC | 29250-5757**


Licensing Instructions and Forms

Sample Documents

Additional Information

Business Address/Name Change Form

Disciplinary Actions

Docket No. 0234

Docket No. 0426