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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

You can file a complaint and submit applications for licensing online. Filings you do not wish to make or that are not available online can be submitted via mail for processing. Department staff is available to assist with any questions at (800) 922-1594 (toll free in SC) or 803-734-4200 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays. You can also email general questions to


Discount Medical Plan Organizations

As defined in South Carolina law, a Discount Medical Plan Organization (DMPO) includes companies that offer discount programs for all health care services. The definition of “health care services”includes, but is not limited to, physician care, inpatient care, hospital surgical services, emergency medical services, ambulance services, dental care services, vision care services, mental health care services, substance abuse services, chiropractic services, podiatric services, laboratory test services, the provision of medical equipment or supplies, and pharmaceutical supplies or prescriptions.

Neither discount medical plan organizations nor their marketing companies may market plans in South Carolina unless the DMPO has properly registered with the Department of Consumer Affairs and has paid the required fees. Only the DMPO, which has the direct contracts with health care providers or provider networks, is required to register. Marketing companies must be listed on the DMPO's registration application in order to market discount plans.

In addition, per the terms of the new law, the following organizations are exempt from registration:

(1) a pharmacy holding a permit or a company that owns one or more pharmacies holding a permit issued pursuant to Title 40, Chapter 43, that offers prescription discounts only from pharmacies;
(2) a benefit or program offered by a health insurer, health care service contractor, or health maintenance organization regulated pursuant to Title 38. A health insurer, health care service contractor, or health maintenance organization regulated pursuant to Title 38 that offers a discount medical plan that is not offered in conjunction with a health insurance plan it administers shall provide the Department written notice of the name under which such a discount medical plan is offered and the telephone number and mailing address at which the plan can be contacted. The notice required by this subsection shall be provided to the Department within thirty (30) days of the initial offering of new medical discount plans in this State, and within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this Act for existing plans; 
(3) an insured benefit administered by, or under contract with, the State of South Carolina; or
(4) a patient access program voluntarily sponsored by a pharmaceutical manufacturer, or a consortium of pharmaceutical manufacturers that provides free or discounted products directly to individuals either through a discount or direct shipment.

In addition, Medicare Part D discount only providers, as defined in South Carolina Code Section 37-17-20 (8) will not be required to register.

The annual renewal period for DMPOs begins January 1st  and ends on January 31st of each year.  The annual filing fee for a DMPO with 0-50 representatives is Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The fee for a DMPO with 51-100 representatives is Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). The fee for a DMPO with over 100 representatives is One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00).

Initial and renewal filings are available on the Department's online licensing system!

*Please note the Department's physical address is 293 Greystone Blvd., Ste. 400 | Columbia, SC | 29210*
**Mailings may be sent to PO Box 5757 | Columbia, SC | 29250-5757**


Registered Discount Medical Plan Organizations

Registration Forms

Business Address/Name Change Form